Page 168 - Työpoliittinen aikakauskirja 1 2018
P. 168
Työpoliittinen aikakauskirja 1/2018
Tables 1-12, 26-28, 30: Labour Force Survey compiled by Statistics Finland, basing on a sam- ple of the population aged 15 to 74. The sam- ple numbers 36,000 per quarter and is divided into three monthly samples of 12,000. Data are gathered mainly by telephone interviews. Since January 2000, data have been collected for every week of the month, whereas previously they were only collected for the week containing 15th day of the month. The gures obtained are increased to correspond to the base group (the population aged 15 to 74).
The results of the Labour Force Survey are sub- ject to an error due to the randomness of the sam- ples. The gures sometimes contain other errors due to non-response, etc. The more detailed a classi cation is, the greater is the risk of error.
Tables 13-16, 18, 29, 31-33. Employment Service Statistics of the Ministry of Economic A airs and Employment. Statistics on vacancies and unemployed jobseekers were compiled at the middle of each month upto 1980, and have been compiled at the end of each month (last working day) since 1981.
Vacancies refer to vacancies reported to Employment and Economic Development O ces, which had not yet been lled on the ref- erence dates. It is estimated that only 40 % to 50 % of all vacancies in Finland are noti ed to employment services.
Unemployed jobseekers comprises all job-seekers who does not have an employment relationship, does not work full-time as an entre- preneur or self-employed worker and is not a full-time student. Jobseekers are also considered unemployed if they are fully laid o .
Since 1980 unemployment pensioners have been counted as jobseekers, but not as unem- ployed persons. The Employment Service Statistics relate to persons receiving unemploy- ment compensation, for which they have to reg- ister with unemployment services. Some unem- ployed persons not receiving such bene ts do not register with employment services.
Table17. Averagedurationofcompletedspellsof unemployment.TakenfromtheannualEmployment Service Statistics of the Ministry of Economic A airs and Employment. The gures in the table denote average durations of completed spells for the entire year. This di ers from duration of unemployment up to the reference date in tables 16 and 32, which is longer. That is because the gures in tables 16 and 32 seldom include short spells (which are contained in the average duration of completed spells), so they are weighted by long spells.
Tables 19 and 20. Employment services proper. Taken from tables in the Employment Service Statistics, which depict activity during entire months.
Table 21. Number of persons participating ser- vices included in the activation rate, compiled by the Ministry of Economic A airs and Employment. Average guresattheendofeachmonth. Thetypes of services vary in time.
Table 22. Data on labour market training, taken from monthly labour market training statistics, compiled by the Ministry of Economic A airs and Employment. The gures in the table denote aver- ages for whole months, except for the last column, on labour market training, which gives average numbers of trainees on course on the reference date at the end of the months.
Table 23. Unemployment security. State com- pensations (basic unemployment allowance and labour market support) are the basic modes of secu- rity and earnings-related unemployment allowance is a form of unemployment insurance that is limited to members of an unemployment fund. Unemployed persons not entitled to them can obtain state com- pensation. For both types of bene t the applicant must be registered at an Employment and Economic Development O ce. Labour market support is means-tested but it has not a maximum payment period.
A basic and an earnings-related unemployment allowance can be paid for a maximum period of 500 working days. Persons born in 1950-1954 and are over 59 or born 1955 or thereafter and are over 60 before maximum period has accrued and has been in employment at least 5 years during past 20 years can be paid an allowance until they are 65.