Page 80 - Työpoliittinen aikakauskirja 3 2017
P. 80

English Summaries
Työpoliittinen aikakauskirja 3/2017
Economic cycles, relational justice and the productiveness of HR management
Satu Ojala, Doctor of Social Sciences, postdoctoral researcher, University of Tampere - Pasi Pyöriä, Doctor of Social Sciences, senior lecturer, University of Tampere - Katri-Maria Järvinen, Master of Social Sciences, university teacher, University of Tampere - Laura Peutere, Master of Social Sciences, researcher, University of Tampere - Liudmila Lipiäi- nen, Master of Arts, statistician, Univer- sity of Tampere - Tiina Saari, Doctor of Social Sciences, postdoctoral researcher, University of Tampere
Does the working day dream of social and health care leaders come true?
Anu Järvensivu, FT (PhD), Associate Professor, University of Tampere - Nina Talola, FM (M.Sc), Researcher, Universi- ty of Tampere - Anne Konu, FT (PhD.), Associate Professor, University Lecturer, University of Tampere - Juhani Linna, FM (M.Sc), Researcher, University of Tampe- re - Juho Hella, FM (M.Sc), Researcher, University of Tampere - Katariina Tiitinen, FM (M.Sc), Researcher, Univer- sity of Tampere - Jaakko Hakulinen, FT (PhD.), University researcher, University of Tampere - Markku Turunen, FT (PhD.), Professor, University of Tampere
This article is an e ort to explore how fair man- agement (relational justice) is associated with productive HR management practices in chang- ing economic times. The analysis, deploying logistic regression, is based on Statistics Finland’s Quality of Work Life Survey (QWLS) for 1997, 2003, 2008 and 2013. QWLS data are based on employee samples and face-to-face interviews, and they are representative of 15–64 year-old employees resident in Finland and working reg- ularly at least 10 hours a week. According to the results, the balance between job demands and job control and perceptions of fair management are associated with lower than average inten- tions to change jobs, decreased risk of sickness absences as well as perceptions of strong job sat- isfaction and work capacity. Financial insecurity in the workplace is re ected in a weaker than average perceived work capacity, job satisfaction and commitment to the workplace. The balance between job demands and control may also in u- ence the length of work careers. Employees who struggle with high job demands intend to retire before age 65.
This article analyzes the ideal working day of social and health care leaders. Features like work environment, timing, social relationships and the content of work are studied using a gami-  ed digital research instrument. The instru- ment used is a serious game for leaders and their organizations designed to evaluate and develop leadership and to collect research data. The game has been played by 424 players, so far, and the part used in this study includes 26 tasks. In this article the ideal working day features are also compared to the picture of the Finnish working life future created in foresight studies.
Stalking experiences of municipal child welfare social workers
Marjo Oinonen, Licentiate of social scien- ces, social work, psychotherapist, regis- tered nurse, service account manager, Family rehabilitation centre Lauste ry
Stalking has gained the attention of society in recent years. Many international studies on stalking have been conducted, yet there is very little national research and none of them focus- ing on social workers. This article presents  nd- ings from a narrative survey of the subjective experiences of social workers when working and been stalked by the client. Article make the

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