P. 12

1.1 Personnel Categories
Based on the provisions of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations there are different categories of mission personnel. As a rule, these categories are diplomatic agents, members of the administrative and technical staff, members of the service staff, private servants and locally employed staff.
The categories are defined primarily with reference to the functions performed. The privileges and immunities enjoyed by members of a mission differ considerably on the basis of the duties of the person (please note also chapter 2).
The missions should notice that, as a rule, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs does not accept the assignment of Finnish nationals as diplomatic agents in Finland. If such an appointment is under consideration, missions are advised to contact the Protocol Services prior to the appointment.
1.1.1 Diplomatic Agents
Heads of mission and members of the diplomatic staff are considered as diplomatic agents. They are government representatives sent by one country to live and work in another. Generally diplomatic agents deal directly with host country officials. They also enjoy the highest degree of privileges and immunities. Diplomatic agents enjoy a comprehensive immunity from the Finnish jurisdiction.
The Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations divides the functions of diplomatic agents, as a rule, into six categories: representing the sending state; protecting the sending state’s nationals within the receiving state; negotiating with the receiving state; notifying the sending state of conditions and developments within the receiving state; promoting friendly relations between the two states; and developing economic, cultural, and scientific relations between the two states.
The Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland expects a diplomatic agent to possess a valid diplomatic passport, to perform diplomatic functions on a full-time basis and to be on normal rotation. Also, a diplomatic agent should hold a recognized diplomatic rank.

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